Dancing helps children develop body awareness as well as physical strength and coordination. Dancers will flourish in our programs as the grow from learning basics steps and dance language to full choreographed routines. Dancing is a fun way to get moving after school and provides a creative outlet for children to express themselves!
Classes include:
BOLD POP (formerly known as Hip-Hop): (4-12 Years)
Bold Pop classes blend the energy, freestyling, storytelling and power of hip hop and breaking, with jazz technique, while embracing the creativity of the dancers. Students will develop musicality, choreographic skills, strength, teamwork and confidence both onstage and off. Taught by BOLD Arts.
Ballet: (4-6 Years)
Dancers learn musicality and classical ballet positions and moves in a noncompetitive environment. Students will be introduced to the important components of a ballet class, including warm up, spatial patterns across the floor, and center combinations.