Friendly Connections

Friendly Connections

Since 2020, we've seen repeatedly the value of connection for members of our community. Multiple rounds of phone calls from JCC volunteers and staff to our older adult community, in particular, has shown us how a little caring goes a VERY long way. This is true pandemic or not.

With that in mind, The Bert and Sandra Wasserman Center for Family Life and The Wechsler Center for Modern Aging encourage you to join us for an important initiative, Friendly Connections: Building Intergenerational Relationships, in which older adults will be paired with families like your own for regularly scheduled phone, Zoom or FaceTime, or email conversations.

In 2021, participants in the first round of this program shared stories and experiences, photos, and drawings, and enjoyed beginning their weekend with an extra bit of warmth.

For some of the older adults, many socially isolated, these calls were a lifeline. For the families, they provided a chance to bring someone new into their lives and share their own lives as well.

Please fill out this brief questionnaire designed to help us make the best matches possible. We are hoping that by doing this, we will be able to make mutually beneficial connections.

For more information, email Sherri Lerner at

Help us make a friendly connection by filling out our quick, simple questionnaire.